Friday, February 20, 2009

Trying to learn airbrush

I suck so much I created all the splattered paint on the one drawing on here, I think it makes all the over spray blend in more with the picture. Well I think Ill get the hang of it eventually. The little sketchy anteater looking creature was inspired by splattered paint. The guy with the glasses is suppose to be a stylized version of me. I used a little of the art sticks to color the glasses a bit. I forgot to put some highlights on the glasses. Its ok I'm just posting this to check my progress from week to week.

Working on my lines


I did these freehand with a marketter with the aid of some reference a few months back.

Jeremy Russnak

I thought this drawing was ok until I scanned it to my computer a few weeks ago. I wasn't going to post but ahhh . Heres a talented artist I work with named Jeremy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Old designs, touched up

Some old ideas that are hibernating because my computer can't handle running maya. I decided to touch up the bird character and I decided to add the rest of the detail I originally intended to have on the hog creature,but was to lazy to draw in the first time around because I thought I could just use photo reference when modeling the leather straps and wagon instead of drawing them in too.
As Ive said numerous times before eventually I'm going to model these characters in 3d(along with others posted here before). With more delay Ill probably end up coloring them too and then redesigning them a million times more. Well defitnetly need to color the bird creature to have a sense for the texture hes going to have. In the meantime Ill keep looking for a steady stable job that will help me financially in fixing my computer. (Or get a new one) Really I don't mind going back to working at a call center or any job that will help finance what I have in mind. Please help me god I feel I'm stuck in sand.
Good thing is that I'm learning airbrush now and Ill should be ready for spring break when its busy next month. The bad thing as all caricature know is that you won't see that fucken phat spring break check until the beginning of April in most cases. I can't really plan anything out, but hopefully things will get better.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dam back to more heads.

Im falling behind on post's so here's the usual black and white heads Ive been known for posting.