Friday, November 21, 2008


6 comments: said...

Did you do these at work too? By the way, I don't know if you recognized me yet?

David said...

Hello David. You don't know me but I found your blog only because we happen to have the same name and are striving for the same career. What a coincidence. I took a look at your work and you definitely have a great skill for caricaturing and cartooning. There is good fluidity in your linework. I would say that you could benefit greatly from the use of painting your work on either photoshop or Corel.

justfrancesca said...

I like your cartoon characters. It's even cooler that they're based off real people. I like the guy with the noodle legs:)

David Reyes said...

Vhpayes: I know its you victor. Yeah I did them at work too.

ChezDave: Thanks man, yeah I know I need to color stuff more and I also need to improve my coloring skills, and yeah I focused on learning maya in school and kind of negelected my art skills so im trying to play catch up while I don't have a fully operational computer that will run maya or max. In the meantime I have have a deviant account that has some ideas i plan to model in the near future. When things are working for me again.

Franchesca: Thanks =) Ill draw more noodle looking limbs.

vaknur said...

hey dude looks good the characters are very expressive now just draw the all having a picnic in east la after the apocolypse and we will see how good you really are...hahaha

Joseph David said...

Dave, you have some talent man, but your technical skills need a lot more work. Keep it up man, study your anatomy! Good stuff, but keep reaching!!!!