Thursday, April 23, 2009


This is something I'm doing for somebody. I did a few other wardrobe variations but these are the last two that Ive done. All I'm doing is changing the wardrobe based on what they want. The good thing is that I only had to draw one chick template and just keep changing her clothes. I really don't pride myself in drawing girls and its something that I want to get better at. That's why I try to avoid posting any chick drawings, but I really do try drawing girls when I can. ...I'm not getting paid that much, but its good lunch money.

Right now I'm really not digging caricatures. I mean its better than any office or call center job but it definitely doesn't pay more, for me anyway. Other than that our boss has had us drawing with crayola markers. Most of time we run out of the black ones so Ive been using the brown ones alot. Ill post some really cute caricatures(of actuall guest with there picture) in the future I need to get back to doing parties since Ill be getting my license back soon and ill be alot more mobile.